If you are a Federal non-profit corporation under the CNCA, then you can search your organization’s corporate profile at Search for A Federal Corporation. It will show you what documents have been filed with Corporations Canada. At the same place, you can order for free all the documents that Corporations Canada has on the non-profit.

Remember that you need to file your annual return (Form 4022). All CNCA corporations file this form. This is a corporate form, not the T2 or T3010, which are tax forms.

If you have over $10,000 in public funds per year, you will become a soliciting corporation. If you are a soliciting corporation, then you must also file your financial statements with Corporations Canada, even if you file them with another Federal government department (such as the Charities Directorate for registered charities).

If you are a CNCA corporation, you get a number of advantages, including limited liability and if you are a non-profit under the Income Tax Act, your income is not taxable. It is important that you comply with the CNCA’s requirements. While the public may be more forgiving if a small all volunteer organization does not do all of its filings, there will be little sympathy for large professional organizations. Corporations Canada can dissolve your corporation if you do not file your forms. By the way, if you are dissolved, you no longer exist and CRA will also take away your charity status.

Filings can be done through the Online Filing Centre.

While these filings can be quite easily done, if you have questions on this and other matters you can retain our law firm.