North Korea, Canadian sanctions and Canadian charities – toughened sanctions

Canadian charities operating in North Korea must pay close attention to Canadian sanctions.  These sanctions were recently tightened. Canadian…

CIDA Issues Paper on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and extractive sector (mining, oil)

Here is a CIDA Issues Paper on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and extractive sector (mining, oil).  Well worth reviewing for those…

Gifts by Canadians to US Charitable Organizations – Some general CRA comments

Here is a copy of a recent letter from CRA with respect to gifts by Canadians to U.S. charitable organizations.  It summarizes CRA’s views…

Consultation on the Proposed Guidance on Activities Outside of Canada for Canadian Reg. Charities

CRA has just released “Consultation on the Proposed Guidance on Activities Outside of Canada for Canadian Registered Charities”. CRA is…

CRA Charity Checklist on Terrorism

Here is a “Checklist for Charities on Avoiding Terrorist Abuse” put out by the Charity Directorate of Canada Revenue Agency.  It is…

CIDA to initiate consultations in near future, according to Minister Bev Oda

In an article in Embassy Magazine CIDA Minister Bev Oda say that “she plans to hold extensive consultations over the coming months on how to…

Canada Announces “New Effective Approach to its International Assistance”

CIDA Minister Bev Oda announced today “A New Effective Approach to Canadian Aid”.  Here is the press release and below it is the…

CIDA announces partnership with Save the Children to fight Malaria and Pneumonia

CIDA announced today $20 million in funding for malaria and pneumonia treatment to Save the Children.  The press release notes that this will…

Foreign Barriers to Foreign activities by Canadian charities

There is an interesting article in a newsletter entitled Global Trends in NGO Law published by the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. …

OECD acknowledges “Tax haven crackdown will benefit developing countries”

The OECD acknowledges that “a crackdown on tax havens and cross-border tax evasion will help developing countries to raise more revenues to pay…

Nicholas Offord presentation on Fund Raising – Key Challenges & Issues for the Future

Here is a very interesting presentation by Nicholos Offord of the The Offord Group entitled Fund Raising - Key Challenges & Issues for the…

Global Philanthropy and Remittances 2009 Report from Canada – Remittances skyrocket

The Hudson Institute Center for Global Prosperity discusses the role of the private sector, both for profit and non-profit “in the creation of…

Checklist for Canadian Charities on Avoiding Terrorist Abuse from CRA

The CRA has just published a very helpful page entitled “Checklist for Charities on Avoiding Terrorist Abuse”.   For those…

Fundraising for International Development in Canada

I recently read “An Analysis of Canadian Philanthropic Support for International Development and Relief” which was prepared in 2002 by…

CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency

If one is interested in international development in Canada CIDA is hard to ignore, and one would not want to ignore CIDA, the Canadian International…

US targets tax havens with Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act: Will Canada Follow?

Tax havens and tax evasion costs governments, including Canada, the US and those in the developing world a substantial amount of revenue. …

CIDA and Canadian Government Makes Major Investment in Preventing tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis (TB) kills about 1.7 million people every year.  The Canadian government has just announced spending about 127 million to fight……

Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) – Canadian National poll on Global poverty

In March 2009 the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC), in partnership with the Wild Rose Foundation, had Angus Reid conduct a poll of…

Tax Havens Cause Poverty

If you are interested in assisting reduce or eliminate extreme poverty and you want more than writing a cheque to fix a symptom of a problem then you…

Obama Budget to drastically reduce tax incentives for the wealthy who donate to charity

Obama has proposed the largest budget in US history.  He is planning on various tax cuts for people earning under US$250,000 and various tax…

OECD Report on Abuse of Charities for Money Laundering and Tax Evasion – Canada does very poorly

The OECD Report on Abuse of Charities for Money Laundering and Tax Evasion is well worth reading for anyone who cares about the Canadian charitable…

Canada Narrows Focus of Countries for CIDA Aid as part of Aid Effectiveness Agenda

Here is a press release from the Canadian government with respect to the 20 countries that will be the focus of Canadian bilateral (government to…

Millennium Charitable Foundation Case – Federal Court (FCA) not impressed with charity tax shelters

The Millennium Charitable Foundation Case deals with abusive charitable gifting schemes.  The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) sided with CRA in…

Global giving is not a one way street- US Foundations Supporting Canadian Charities

The Foundation Center’s Interactive Map of Direct Grants by U.S. Grantmakers to Non-US Recipients is helpful to see how almost $7 billion dollars…