In this 2004 case a BC lawyer is charged with 23 counts of tax evasion and making false or deceptive statements with respect to certain income tax returns and a complicated transaction involving charities.  In this decision of the Provincial Court the lawyer is acquitted of all charges.  The case raises a number of significant legal and ethical issues and anyone interested in planned giving or being a professional advisor advising charities should be aware of the case.

Regina v. Blake Bromley, Blake Bromley Consulting Inc., & QDDQ Services Inc.

The case can be found at:

One of the ethical situations that is raised is ‘when is a lawyer acting as a lawyer versus acting in a personal capacity’.  Also on a practical level when will a avoidance transaction be sufficiently problematic for the CRA that they will go to court to prosecute someone.

[Update – here are another 2 court decisions that involve Mr. Bromley: 

Bromley v. Canada 2002 BCSC 149 or short link:

Enns (Guardian ad Litem) v. Voice of Peace Foundation, 2004 BCCA 13 (CanLII) or short link ]